Calendar This Week | October 13
Check out what's going on at All Souls this week! Sunday, October 13 10:00am Worship Service in the Meetinghouse - all are welcome to...
Fall Family Fellowship Brunch | November 3
C.E. is flippin our ‘cakes for fellowship! Join our church family after service Sunday Nov 3rd for this crepe event. Pancakes, ploys, and...
Music for the Birds | October 27
Music for the Birds Sunday, October 27th 2:00 pm A fun concert for organ, with flute and choir In the Meetinghouse of All Souls Church...
Calendar This Week | October 6
Check out what's going on at All Souls this week! Sunday, September 29 8:45am 3rd Grade Race Thru the Bible, Room C 10:00am Worship...
Annual Garden Clean-up | October 16
ALL SOULS GARDENERS FALL CLEAN-UP Help is needed for the annual garden clean-up on Wednesday, October 16th at 8:00 AM. Refreshments...
Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen | October 11
DOROTHY DAY SOUP KITCHEN –This Friday, October 11th, the noontime meal will be the responsibility of All Souls Church. Team Leader is...