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Body of Christ at Work in the World

The church is the body of Christ, and we share in his victory. We have always been the body of Christ, but there is no question that we have felt a bit disjointed these past couple of years. While the pandemic is not yet over and done, it remains our hope that the coming months will be marked by a shared effort to reconnect with one another. It is also a great time to consider getting involved in a ministry, or perhaps even leading one. Indeed, we are not only the Body of Christ, but are called to be the Body of the Christ at work in the world.

The list below offers a mix of fellowship and ministry opportunities. We hope you prayerfully consider each one.

Potluck – Join us the first Tuesday of every month for a potluck dinner Tuesday evening at 5:30pm in the vestry. All are welcome.

Summer Fellowship –There are plans underway to organize three fellowship events in the months ahead. One in June, July, and August. These small groups gatherings will provide an opportunity to make new connections and strengthen old ones. To receive more detailed information about these opportunities and to be a part, please contact the church office.

Military Liaison – We have a number of people connected to our church who are actively serving in the Armed Forces. We are looking to enlist one or two individuals willing to stay in touch with those who serve on our behalf: to share words of encouragement, prepare and share care packages, etc. If you are interested, contact the church office.

Good Shepherd Food Bank - Last summer, during mission week, folks had a great time helping out at the Good Shepherd Food Bank. Our team packed boxes with food which was then shipped out to local food cupboards across the state. Wouldn’t it be great if All Souls had a team(s) of people who did this on a regular basis? We think so and perhaps you are the one to help make that happen. If you are interested in participating or being a team leader, please contact the church office.

Ushers - Ushers play an important role on Sunday mornings welcoming people to worship and monitoring traffic in and through the building. This is not only a vital ministry in the life of our church but a great way to meet people. To sign up contact the church office or visit the ‘outreach & opportunities’ menu of our website.

Vacation Bible School - Yes it is only April, but plans are being made now for a VBS in August. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our Director of Christian Nurture, Becka Timms.

Young Adult Liaison – How often do young adults hear from the church after High School graduation. The answer is not enough. We are looking for someone to help us encourage members and friends of our church family entering the first phase of adulthood. Whether off at college or entering the work force, help us to let them know we care. If you are interested, contact the church office.

Coordinating Committee - Many of us appreciate Coffee Hour, especially after such a long hiatus. However, it doesn’t happen without volunteers. We currently have 4 openings on the Coordinating Committee. If interested, please contact the church office. If you just want to assist, you can sign up via the ‘outreach & opportunities’ menu of our website.

Stephen Ministry - We launched a Stephen Ministry program just as the pandemic started; and while our first class of Stephen Ministers have been busy, we hope to relaunch and begin a new training program in the fall. Help us plan by letting us know of your interest now. Those interested should contact the church office. To learn more visit

AV Ministry - Join the team that keeps the livestream going. Contact Pastor Chad for training. More volunteers are needed.

Therefore, we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. (Romans 6:4) In other words, the stone has been rolled back. The door of the tomb is open. Come into the light and rejoice; be filled with hope and live for God.


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