Join us on Sundays as we praise the Lord and unite as a community. Worship begins each week at 10:00 am (9:00 am during the months of July and August). The following services are available for those who worship with us.
Elevator serving all levels
At French Street entrance. No elevator access to Baillie Building.
Bibles at either entrance to the Meetinghouse
DVD's of each service
Sign-out through church office
Narthex: departing the Meetinghouse to the left
Automated Emergency Defibrillator (AED)
Located in the Haddix Hall as you depart the Meetinghouse on the right mounted on the wall next to the door leading to the balcony
Infants to age 3, in the Nursery of the Baillie Building
Church School
September through May - Preschool through High School
Children's Table
Activity/coloring sheets, "pew pals", picture books
Large print bulletins
At either entrance to the meetinghouse
Wireless pesonal listening system
Please consult with the custodian or ushers as you arrive
Wheelchairs Lifts
Accessible Lift from Baillie Building to Meetinghouse level only
General Order of Worship
1. Prelude
The musical prelude begins at 9:50 am.
Children are present for the beginning of worship.
2. Candle Lighting & Opening the Bible
3. Words of Welcome and Opportunity to Greet One's Neighbor
4. Introit
5. Call to Worship
6. Invocation
7. Hymn
There are usually three hymns during the service. They are typically traditional and familiar, but occasionally we are challenged with something new.
8. Unison Prayer including the Lord's Prayer
9. Gloria Patri
Our declaration of glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
10. Anthem
11. Special Events
At this point, there could be a variety of special events such as a baptism, recognition, announcement and/or children's story.
12. Children's Message and Dismissal to Sunday School
Children and Youth leave for Church School
13. On the Life of the Church
Announcements regarding opportunities to grow and to get involved.
14. Scripture Lessons & Congregational/Choral Response
We currently follow the Narrative Lectionary but include two other readings as well, one of them being a Psalm which is read responsively.
15. The Offering and Offertory
16. Doxology and Presentation of Offering
17. Hymn
18. Sermon
19. Pastoral Prayer, Silent Prayer, Choral Response
20. Hymn
21. Extinguishing of Candles, Closing the Bible & Postlude
Following the service there are refreshments provided in the Vestry in the lower level. You are invited to this time of personal fellowship.