See That Guitar?

You may notice that the picture is a bit fuzzy except for the guitar...That Guitar played to appreciative audiences of children and adults alike in the neighborhoods around Cuidad Vieja on our visit to Guatemala in 2015. That Guitar stayed in Guatemala and has been added to the musical instruments used for teaching students in Kairos. Kairos is the Christian School that sponsors us while we are in Guatemala.
What is especially wonderful is the way That Guitar made it to Guatemala. A member of All Souls who is mission minded and who no longer plays the six string instrument donated it. Another member donated money for the hard travel case.
SOOOOOO...if you have a decent guitar hidden in a closet and no longer have need of it, there is a music program in Guatemala that could make good use of it. We'd love to hear from you, the sooner the better so that we can re-string it and practice with it. Contact the Church Office at All Souls...
"I'm gonna sing, sing, sing. I'm gonna shout, shout, shout. I'm gonna sing, I'm gonna shout praise the Lord..."