Glass Captives Speak
Hot off the press and ready for purchase is “Glass Captives Speak”, Audio and Coloring Book; newly written and recorded by Rev. Renee...

Summer Updates
Summer Worship Hours Beginning Sunday, July 7th through Sunday, August 25th Sunday Worship Services will begin at 9:00 a.m. Regular 10:00...

Women's Backyard Bible Study
Ladies and friends of All Souls are cordially invited to a summer Bible Study in the backyard, focusing on the Book of James. The...

Rescheduled: All Souls Outside
Fellowship event, August 18th from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. with a potluck lunch at 11:00! Paul Bunyan Campground, 1858 Union St, Bangor....

Plant & Seed Swap | June 9
Stop by our second annual plant and seed swap after worship on Sunday, June 9th. Help find a home for some of the “volunteers” in your...