Welcome Back Church School Students!
It is time again to start another year of Church School! Our classes will begin Sunday, September 17th, with children being dismissed after the Children’s Message from the regular Church Service.
This year we will be moving our EPIC students, Pre-K through 3rd Graders, into Room C for the entire class time. Our 4th and 5th Graders will then move to Room 3. Please pick up your students after the church service in their respective classes.
In order to better know and serve our Church School students and their families, PLEASE be sure to register all of your children who will be attending at any time or in any part of our Church School Program, from the Nursery through Seniors in High School. We are working on our records to make sure we have current and accurate information. So whether you have registered your children every year for the past ten years, or you’re brand new to our church, please be sure they get registered THIS year. You can check student registration in Haddix Hall before church service, during Coffee Hour afterwards, or stop by or call the Church Office.
The EPIC Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet is posted and ready for you to pencil your name in! Each Sunday September through May, EPIC needs Volunteers. You can sign up to be a Storyteller, an Artisan, or Shepherd. As a Storyteller, the story of the week will be provided for you, simply help in making Biblical story come alive! As an Artisan assist with the craft for the days’ theme, the craft and supplies will be prepared ahead of time, all you need to do is show up and help the students complete the craft and maybe even make your own too! Or you can help in Shepherding the students from one activity to the next. Each activity is fun and allows you the chance to help and get to know the future generation of our Church and them to get to know you.
We are greatly looking forward to another year of learning together and watching these amazing students grow in their faith.
Church School Dates to Remember:
September 24 - Kindergarten Blessing
October 15, 22, & 29, 2017 - 3rd Grade Race Through the Bible
November 5, 2017 - 3rd Grade Bible Presentations
November 26, 2017 - Multi-Age Class in Room A
December 24, 2017 - Family Sunday
December 31, 2017 - Family Sunday
February 18, 2018 - Multi-Age Class in Room A
April 1, 2018 - Family Sunday
May 20 - Children's Sunday