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All Souls Annual Bazaar | November 18th

Shop 'til You Drop at All Souls Annual Bazaar on Saturday, November 18th from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

All are welcome to join us for a time of fellowship, service, eating, and, of course, shopping!

Enjoy our usual shops, including:

Attic Treasures, Book Room, Children’s Gifts & Crafts, Coffee Shoppe, Cookie Nook, Crafters Creations/Boutique, Gardener’s Greeting Cards, Hand Cut Cheese, Handmade Candy, Home Baked Goods, Lunch Café, Meals To Go, Silent Auction, … and much more!

There are many ways you can help and show your support for All Souls biggest fundraiser!

If you haven’t made a commitment to any specific task for the Bazaar, please consider getting involved. Many hands are needed!! We will gladly accept all offers to help. ASSIST JC’ers, there are opportunities for you too! We’ll be looking for helpers for setting up, cleaning up, serving during the luncheon, volunteers in the children’s room and much more! This is definitely an event where “many hands make light work.” Any amount of time that you can help is greatly appreciated! Please contact any of the individuals below or the Church Office at to let us know how you can help!

Mary Warner, 2023

Rebecca Dauphinee, 2024

Samantha Kavanaugh, 2025

Calling All Cookie Bakers

The Cookie Nook at our Church Bazaar will sell over 125 dozen cookies on Bazaar Day. We need a lot of bakers to bake three dozen or more of your favorite cookies or bars. Please sign up by emailing Brenda Gammon at or there will be a sign up sheet outside the Church Office. We need to know your name, email/phone#, type of cookie and how many. It helps to know what kind of cookies are coming in so that we can answer those who ask "what kind do you need?" Cookies should be delivered to the Cookie Nook (Room 4) no later than Friday noon, November 17th. It takes the Cookie Crew about 8 hours to package and display cookies on Friday. You may bring the cookies packaged in clear packs/plates of 6 or a dozen. We will label & price them. Gluten-Free cookies, Thanksgiving or Christmas cookies, fancy or plain...we'll take all types because we have never met a cookie we did not like! Thank you!

The Silent Auction Needs You!

We are looking for quality items or services for our Silent Auction Booth! Please look around and let us know what you can contribute. Items can be dropped off at the Church Office anytime—Thank you!

The Luncheon at the Bazaar

The Luncheon at the Annual All Souls Bazaar needs volunteers for wait staff, kitchen crew and dishwashers. If you want to help make the luncheon a success, we need you! Call Rebecca Dauphinee 942-3257 or email, or call the Church Office at 942-7354.

Luncheon Table Sponsorship

You, your family or your business may sponsor a luncheon table! $50 for a full table (or $25 for a half). Your sponsorship will help defray our food costs. Your name and/or business will be prominently displayed on the table. This is for sponsorship only, not a table reservation or a meal ticket. For more info: contact the Church Office 942-7354 or Missie Huston at for details.

Candy Shoppe

In preparation for the November 15th, 16th & 17th candy-making workshops, we are asking for donations of ingredients needed to make our delicious products. If you are unable to attend one of the workshops, this is a good way to contribute to the cause and help out! Ingredients needed to make our tasty candy: Granulated Sugar (60 lbs. total), Unsalted Butter (10 lbs. total), Creamy Peanut Butter (4 lbs. total), Marshmallow Fluff (7 large containers total), Evaporated Milk (12 cans total), Semi-Sweet Chocolate (20 lbs. total), Sweetened Condensed Milk (6 cans total), Peanuts (12 lbs. total), White Karo Syrup (8 bottles total), Large Eggs (3-4 dozen and more).

If you can supply any of these items, please bring them to the Church Office by Tuesday, November 14th labeled for Candy. Please let Linda Allen know in advance so she can keep a tally of what's coming. Thanks for any assistance you can give to this endeavor!

2023 Candy-Making Workshops

Workshop sign-up sheets will be available at coffee hour and outside the church office during the week. Learn how to make delicious fudge and candy in the All Souls Church kitchen. Join us for one or more of the workshops held the week prior to the November 18th Bazaar. We always add new recipes and bring back old favorites. We are in need of many hands so come for even an hour or two if you can. You are welcomed to bring a non-church friend to share in the camaraderie! Be sure to stop by for samples even if you can't stay to work! 

Bazaar Pie Workshop

The pie workshop will be held on Friday, November 17, from 9:00 AM until we finish. We would love to have many hands to help lighten the load and share in the fun! Donations of ingredients such as unbleached white flour, white sugar, brown sugar, butter, canned pumpkin, frozen blueberries, frozen raspberries and cinnamon as well as pie tins would be greatly appreciated. Please bring your offerings to church by Tuesday, November 14 and label them PIES.  For more information or to sign up to help in the kitchen for any amount of time speak with or contact Renee Garrett (reneeugarrett@gmail.coms) co-chair of the pie workshop with Dave Warner.

Bazaar Bread Workshop

The bakers are all set and raring to make a variety of breads which will be for sale in the Pantry (just in time for Bread Sunday!). Donations of ingredients are needed, including Honey (3 quarts), olive oil (3 liters), instant yeast (1 lb. vacuum package would be ideal), rolled oats (5 containers),  molasses (4 quarts), Bob’s Red Mill 10 grain cereal (4 packages).  Donated items may be left in the church office and labeled BREAD. For any questions contact Phil Andrews at

The Library at the Bazaar

The Bazaar Library is looking for donations of books, (especially kids, adult, Christian, non-fiction, new fiction), puzzles, videos, DVD’s, and CD’s.

Meals to Go

“Meals to Go” are meals home cooked by All Souls Members and Friends! Do you make a great casserole, soup or fabulous baked beans? Would you be willing to contribute an item to our Meals to Go booth at the annual Bazaar? If so please contact Doug Kavanaugh at for details.


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