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Eggxciting News...We've Refreshed Our Supply!

The Annual Assist-JC Chocolate Easter Egg Fund Raiser has been going so well that we sold out of our nearly all our flavors...Maple, Raspberry, Mint and Coconut...gone! We had only a few Peanut Butter eggs left before the second production weekend.

Good News! We've refreshed our supply. We have Peanut Butter, Maple, Raspberry, Mint and Coconut, but this is it for 2017. Be sure to order eggs from any Assist-JC traveler soon!

This year, the Assist-JC team will be traveling to Guatemala to build homes, distribute food to needy families and organize children's Bible school in various parts of Cuidad Vieja. Your purchase of eggs helps provide the funds for buying the house construction supplies and the food to be given to the desperately needy families in the area.

If you would like more information about the Assist-JC program, see the "Out Reach" section of this webpage.

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