Tuesday Nights Together

Join us for dinner, fellowship, and some additional education on Tuesday nights at All Souls! Tuesday Nights Together (TNT) begin with dinner at 6:00 PM. All are welcome to attend dinner whether you plan to stay for the class or not.
Meals are served buffet style. A donation of $4 per person or $10 per family is requested for the meal.
Childcare is available while adults attend the class, with homework assistance for older children, if needed.
No registration required, join us when you can, and invite others! See the current schedule below or click here for more information.
2018 Winter/Spring Session
Bible Project Series
January 23 - What is the Bible January 30 - The Story of the Bible February 6 - Literary Styles of the Bible February 13 - Plot in the Biblical Narrative and The Bible as Jewish Meditation Literature
Lenten Study for 2018 “Body & Soul – Reclaiming the Heidelberg Catechism February 20 - Our Only Comfort (Q&A 1) February 27 - Our Misery and Our Mediator (Q&A 2-25) March 6 - Our Thorough Salvation (Q&A 26-52) March 13 - The Spirit and the Sacraments (Q & A 53-85) March 20 - The Grateful Life ( Q&A 86-115) March 27 - Teach Us to Pray (Q&A 116-129)
Spring Recess
April 3 - NO CLASS
Alpha Series
April 10th, 17th, 24th May 1st, 8th, 15th
(We will offer this course as long as TNT members are committed to bring friends & relatives. ) A series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. More than 24 million people have experienced Alpha in 169 countries and in 112 different languages. Alpha is for anyone who is curious about Christianity. We strongly encourage people to bring friends and relatives who are known to be curious about faith. This is a “low bar” opportunity to find out more.