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Community Betterment Grant Campaign Continues

Rev. Chad Poland, Pastor of All Souls and Hannah Young of the Bangor Public Library

The 2018 Community Betterment Grant Campaign marks its third month with a $1000 gift to the Bangor Public Library. The gift will be used to help furnish the William J. Griffith Learning Center located in the Hope Hutchins Reading Room.

"The Learning Center has been developed specifically to meet the needs of adult patrons who happen to have intellectual and developmental disabilities" says Hannah young of the Bangor Public Library. "The shelves in the Griffith Center are filled with 'Quick Reads', a variety of adult literacy books at different reading levels, including mysteries, thrillers, biographies, self-help books, picture dictionaries, and more. There are even a couple of news publications geared toward new readers and/or individuals just acquiring English as a second language. There are also puzzles, games, audio books, audio players, and computers. One of the computers is an AWE Learning Station filled with instructive games including those that promote literacy skills. Along with this new dedicated space, the Library holds programming for adults with special needs. Called TGIF, or Friday Club, this group is for the same population and meets every Friday at 10:30 with games, crafts, and learning activities."

The Community Betterment Grant Campaign is being funded by a gift given to the church in the memory of Gerald C. Nason. Over the course of this year-long campaign the church anticipates giving away roughly $12,000. These gifts are in addition to the nearly $60,000 the church already designates for its annual benevolences. All Souls is committed to supporting worthy endeavors near and far. January and February recipients were the Salvation Army's mid week program for youth and the Hope House Shelter.

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