Calendar This Week | October 6
Check out what's going on at All Souls this week!
Sunday, September 29
8:45am 3rd Grade Race Thru the Bible, Room C
10:00am Worship Service in the Meetinghouse - all are welcome to join our regular Sunday morning worship service
11:15am Coffee Fellowship Time in the Vestry - all are welcome to join in fellowship following the worship service while enjoying coffee, tea, and treats
11:15am EPIC Parents Info & Pizza Party in Room A immediately following the Worship Service.
11:15am Middle School Youth Group hike in Acadia, meet in the Hearth Room following the Worship Service.
Tuesday, October 8
12:30pm Farther In and Higher Up (FIHU) in Room 2 - A women’s study group meets Tuesdays at 12:30 PM in Room 2 of the Baillie Building. FMI- Please call the Church Office at 942-7354.
6:00pm Tuesday Nights Together (TNT) in the Vestry - TNT is a fellowship and education opportunity here at All Souls from late September to mid-May. Dinner begins at 6:00 PM. Meals are served buffet style and participants are asked to make a $4.00 donation for the meal or $12.00 for a family. Classes are listed on the All Souls website under adult education, or click here.
7:00pm Board of Deacons meeting in the Loomis Room
Wednesday, October 9
8:00am All Souls Gardeners
11:00am Staff Meeting
Thursday, October 10
9:30am All Souls Quilters in Room C
12:30pm Intercessory Prayer in the Chapel - all are welcome to join us Thursdays at 12:30 in the All Souls Chapel.
5:30pm Board of Trustees meeting in the Loomis Room
6:00pm Executive Board meeting in the Loomis Room
7:00pm Senior Choir Rehearsal in the Vestry