Greater Bangor Area Street Pastors

Greater Bangor Area Street Pastors (GBASP) started in August 2014 and went out almost every Friday night in downtown Bangor until the pandemic/shutdown. We are part of an international group of Street Pastors. GBASP is a multi-denominational group of volunteers from churches in the Bangor area. We provide practical help and kindness as we listen, care, and help in downtown Bangor. Currently we are patrolling two Fridays per month, and we're looking to get back to our every week patrols!!
How can you help us?
First off - PRAY FOR US!
Please join us in praying for this ministry with other churches all over Bangor, especially today! Prayer works, and it is the most important thing we can do for this ministry!
We need patrol volunteers! We can always use more for our Friday night shifts, but we hope soon to staff a daytime shift as well. (*you must be 18 or over and have been participating in church for a year or more*) In addition to patrol volunteers, we need prayer pastors! These folks volunteer to pray -- either at our base or at home -- When the patrol is on, the Pray-ers are on duty!
GIVE! We do keep a few things on hand to pass out to those in need on the street. We also pay for trainers to travel from London from time to time. street. We have basic expenses for mailings, printing, dues, office rental, and coordinator stipend. GBASP is 501(c)(3), so your gifts are tax deductible.
Training and Contact Info:
Learn about our history and how we do what we do:
'Roles and Responsibilities' required for every Street Pastor before you begin patrolling.
22 April, 2023.
(Columbia Street Project, 45 Columbia Street. 9am-2pm)
Coordinator: Anna Phillips,, 207-619-0840, 10 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401