In Memory of Ruth Anderson
A memorial bench has been installed and dedicated in memory and honor of Ruth Anderson in the gardens of All Souls.
Thanks to all who helped make this possible, all who came to the dedication, and all who continue to hold Ruth and her love for All Souls in their hearts and memories.
The dedication prayer for the bench by Rev. Chad L. Poland:
Precious Lord, we now dedicate this garden bench in memory of and in honor of Ruth Anderson. We pray that it’s presence would only add to the beauty of this corner of your creation, and in so doing bring glory and honor to your name.
May all who rest upon it, know that you are near, and find hope in the promise that those they have loved and lost, like Ruth, remain in your merciful hands through Jesus Christ. This we ask dear Father, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, and by the power of your Holy Spirit. Praise and thanks be to you, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Photo Credit: Alcinda Hall and Becka Timms