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Rebekah Timms Update

Rebekah Timms has been a Member in Discernment for nearly four years and has recently been approved for an Ecclesiastical Council. This means that the Committee on Ministry of regional association has decided to present Becka as a candidate for authorized ministry in and on behalf of the United Church of Christ to the whole of the Katahdison Association. An Ecclesiastical Council is a public presentation and time of questioning by the association; It concludes with the consideration of a motion to approve a candidate for ordination pending a call to a local church.

While we are right to keep Becka in our prayers, we are confident that things will go well for her and, no doubt, we will be meeting as a church sometime later this year regarding a formal call to serve as our Minister of Christian Nurture. Congratulations Becka and God bless during these final steps of your journey toward ordination!


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