Vacation Bible School was MONUMENTAL
The children and friends of All Souls had a MONUMENTAL week learning about God during our second annual Vacation Bible School! Through singing, games, stories, videos, crafts, and even snacks we learned -
God loves you no matter what (Monday)
God is with you everywhere (Tuesday)
God is in charge (Wednesday)
God is stronger than anything (Thursday)
God is surprising (Friday)
The children (and volunteers) also had a chance to participate in a special offering for Operation Kid-to-Kid throughout the week. Together they brought in $123! With a generous offer from Pastor Chad to triple the offering from the Mason Fund, we will be donating $370!! Through Operation Kid-to-Kid, this will provide school supplies on Native American Reservations for 370 students. How great is our Lord!
Many thanks to Becka Timms, the Board of Christian Education, and the many volunteers who helped make this week possible! Thanks to the parents and caretakers for sharing your children with us for this MONUMENTAL week. We hope to see you next year!!
Check out pictures from the week below.