Holy Saturday Labyrinth Walk
Members of All Souls Church who would like to walk the Labyrinth for prayer and meditation during Holy Saturday are welcome on Saturday,...
Save the Date: Steinway Concert 4.17.16
THE NEXT STEINWAY CONCERT at All Souls Church will be at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 17, 2016. Boston-based mezzo-soprano D’Anna...
Holy Week at All Souls Church
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday. This year, Sunday, March 20 marks the beginning of Holy Week. This is the day we recognize Jesus’...
La Romana Mission Trip-February 2016
After a week in La Romana, Dominican Republic, serving Haitian sugar cane workers and helping with various projects at the Good Samaritan...
New Flavor for ASSIST-JC Eggs
People have been asking for this particular new flavor for years. Only after some "so-so" responses to the raspberry flavored egg this...
THIS IS IT! The night everyone's been waiting for! Great food provided by the good cooks of All Souls. Great Talent provided by the...
"You Did It!"-the signal victory of the evening
When it came to saxophone, my Father was my biggest fan. It was embarrassing when I was young. He was always looking for places for me...
All Souls' Got Talent
We’ve got talent at All Souls Church…abundant talent. Some of that talent is musical. There are many among us who play instruments of...
The Lenten journey has begun. "Deserts unclutter the soul. The hot desert sun vaporizes all manner of luxuries." In her Lenten book, 40...
It's Egg Time Again!
When the dear and dynamic Pam Carr moved to Pennsylvania in 1999 after several very active years at All Souls, she sent back to Renee a...